Saturday, November 12, 2011

Literacy tubs and spiders

This was the last set of tubs for this six weeks but we have been collecting ideas for the third six weeks and will get the tubs all changed out this afternoon and be ready to work on them on Monday.  The children REALLY enjoy doing these literacy activities and most are independent.  It is so much more fun to learn while you are playing!  This first one is for fine motor control.  It requires rolling play-doh into snakes and laying them on the shape template.  (So they are practicing shapes too!)

 The ABC practice had two sets of ABC cards and the kids were divided into two teams to see which team could put them in the correct order first!
 Writing meant to write the letters into a gel bag.
Our book baskets were over Brown Bear, Brown Bear this six weeks.  The kids would roll a dice (in the cyclinder with a lid) and color the animal with that number.
We read The Roly Poly Spider and talked about he got bigger and bigger as he ate and ate.  When he got stuck in the rain spout he got small again but then he was hungry once more!  The kids color and cut the spiders and glued them in order from biggest to smallest.

 Mrs. Shelton bought an adorable spider unit by Julie Lee and this worksheet is from her work.  This is a paper where we were labeling the body parts.  These spiders are so cute that it is impossible to be creeped out by them.  Real spiders however...
 This is an experiment from Deanna Jump's science book number 1.  The sugar cube is the spider's prey or fly.  The pipette with water represents the spider injecting venom into the prey to liquify it.  The kids then sucked up the liquid like a spider sucks up its dinner!  They L.O.V.E.D this and wanted to do it again!
Have you ever heard of a Hall of Mirrors?  Well at Ortiz, we have a hall of murals.  The children's art work is displayed on his or her own panel and then sent home at the end of the unit.

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