Friday, October 21, 2011

Where does the time go??

We have been talking about apples this week and the seasons of the apple tree.  We had the kids color and cut these apples out and glue them in order from smallest to largest.  Sometimes we had to say littlest because they didn't know the term smallest.  It is funny what we take for granted that our kids know!
 We created a poem with construction paper art.  This idea comes from an apple unit by Deanna Jump.  Love, love her cute ideas.  My kids should write her a thank-you note!!
 We used our skills of labeling to name the parts of the apple.  Aren't they cute?
Well, most of the kids in my class like red apples best.  Isn't that the color we all usually buy?  We are such creatures of habit. 

We read Pete's A Pizza and then we created a pizza of our own.  We counted and labeled the number of items on our pizza.  We read that the author used to play "Pizza" with his daughter.

These are the literacy tubs we get to use this week!

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