Thursday, October 6, 2011

Literacy Tubs for 2nd Six Weeks

 Our parents sent us letters cut from boxes for this activity.  The note was sent home several weeks in advance so that we could get a big variety of letters.  The kids reach into the box and get a letter and match it to the alphabet board.  Yeah, Mrs. Jordan for this great idea!!
 This is just a fun way to practice those fine motor skills.  A person has to use pincher muscles to pick up a pipe cleaner (just like holding a pencil!).  They just stuck them in the colanders to make crazy colanders.
 The kids just roll a dice and draw that part of the turkey.  He almost made it through!  Notice that the dice is in the small jar!  That keeps it from flying across the room and the kids "roll" the dice!
Mrs. Jordan typed up this worksheet.  The sight words are in teeny, tiny print and the "word detectives" have to use a magnifing glass to see them.  They are also numbered so each must be written on the correct line!

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