Monday, September 30, 2013

Apples Galore!

We read a story about a farmer named Annie.  She grew in the apples in an orchard and then took them to market in a truck.  She sold muffins, and pies, and lots of apples.  We created a flow map to show the order of the book.
This is the orchard.  Notice one child said someone cut down one of his trees!

These are our trucks going to market.
Market place is fun.  We have a farmer's market so some of the kids were familiar with this.

Here they are at my house for me to eat!

 We had a tasting day on Friday with lots of parents helping us out.  I never knew apples could be fixed so many ways!!

Each class made a graph of which color apple was our favorite.  It was surprising!
We saw a clip on Brain Pop, Jr. about Johnny Appleseed then we sequenced the order of apple planting from seed to tree.  It takes 10 years for a tree to produce fruit!

Each class made a class wide promise on the rules we would follow this year as we became leaders in our school.  The children helped brainstorm the ideas for the rules and every child in the class signed the promised...just like in the constitution of the USA!
We are learning syllables in kindergarten.  We clapped each name the child put his or her name on the correct number of fingers!

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